Monday, November 14, 2011


November has been interesting, to say the least. Abby Pea is still working her tail off in dance. She has auditioned for parts in "The Nutcracker." Her first choice is to be the Sugar Plum Fairy. (Of course. She knows she's a star.) Her second choice is for Arabian (Mom Pea's favorite). We're praying for our pea-llerina!

Our sweet Anne Pea was diagnosed with pneumonia last week. She's taken it like a champ, even helping Momma Pea at the laundromat on Saturday. I am a slave driver! She feels so much better and was even excited to go to school today! She's missed her pea friends like crazy and now has a ton of homework to catch up on. Boo! 

King and Queen Pea have been working their behinds off and have been totally stressed out! Luckily, we have each other to take it out on! :) 

We definitely need a vacation or even just some time off from everything. King Pea has been a managing machine at the restaurant. Losing employees, firing employees...and he is picking up the slack like a trooper. I adore him and his work ethic, but even Kings need breaks!

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