Sunday, August 19, 2012

school days are almost here :(

I don't know whether I am happy or sad that school starts in a week. These peas have been enjoying the summer and I have been enjoying my easy commute! So much has to happen in this last week before school starts, I don't know if we can get it all done!

Anne Pea has cross country coming up, and I hope to get her into tennis lessons this year. I still don't know how she's going to get back and forth from school yet; she's a transfer this year since we moved last March. We don't have the bus to rely on anymore. We always manage to work something out though! Tennis lessons will depend on the after school schedule. I don't want my baby peas to grow up faster than they are, but this is when it would be great to have another driver in the family!

Anne Pea has been our babysitting girl lately! She's a fantastic little sitter and so mature for her age. It's good and bad all at the same time. She should be the one being babysat! She's my baby! :(

*Update* Did I mention my baby pea is 5' 6 1/4" tall?!? How does one make these peas stop growing?!?

Abby Pea seems like she's already in school! She's doing summer homework and dancing every day. I think once school starts, she should just pack up and move into MHS! I wonder if she could fit inside her dance locker....

I took a beautiful picture of my girls this morning on our way to church. It was just with my phone; nothing fancy. I just love these sweet peas so much!

{Blessings to you all from us!}

Thursday, August 16, 2012

abby pea's amazing dance photos

I do not take credit for any of these photos, though I wish I could! I didn't order any (yet) thinking, "I can take dance photos of her!" But, these turned out so good that even this photographer mom pea is probably ordering some! Gasp! It's a first since I started my photography! It's a Kodak moment! Pun intended. Hardy-har-har, that was a terrible attempt at a joke. On to the pics!!! {Don't worry! Anne Pea will have her turn as cross country is coming up soon! Eeek! I love cross country meets! Much better than football games, but don't tell the older pea!}

Abby Pea's Marquette photos

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

a little shout out

I just have to recognize some of my favorite people in the whole world. Today is my father-in-law's birthday! I want to wish Tim a blessed birthday! He's such an awesome person. I wish we were closer to our Tim and Paula because we just adore them!

A few days ago it would have been Grandpa Jack's birthday. (Jon's grandpa, Tim's dad.) Jon and I miss him and all our grandparents that we have lost so much. We think of them daily and strive to be the kind of amazing people that they were and are. We're still so blessed to have some of our grandparents with us!!

It was also my awesome sister-in-law's birthday! Kaley is such a sweet person and awesome momma! I love her dearly!

Jon's Uncle Brian also celebrated a birthday yesterday, I think. (Sorry if I have the wrong day! They're all kind of running together!)

On top of all this, it was my parents' anniversary on the 2nd! I can't believe they've made it 38 years! Pretty amazing for a couple of high school sweethearts!! I am so blessed to have them as parents! They are truly an example of love and perseverance! I love you so much!

I pray blessings overflow for each one of these special people in our lives! We would not be who we are without you and can't imagine our lives without you in them! Thank you so much for being you!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

brace face

This summer is flying by, but we're not up to too much. Jon and I are working like crazy (as always) and the girls are enjoying their summer for a few more weeks. Yikes! School will start before we know it and our busy lives will just get busier!

Anne Pea has been hanging out with so many of her friends. She got her wretched Herbst appliance out of her mouth (a little linky-poo for your convenience). Next step is braces!

Speaking of braces, we have a new brace face in the house! Abby Pea got braces on and actually kind of likes them. I think the novelty will wear off soon!

Picture courtesy of Abby's phone  :)

They're really cute and she has bright pink bands on them.

Other than mouth-metal news, we don't have a lot. Which may be a good thing! 

King Pea is liking his job, even though it has taken him to Irving every day for about the last month. We supposedly only have a week left of it, but let me tell you, Queen Pea is not a happy camper with this situation! Especially when the restaurant he is supposed to be at is only about three minutes from our house. Three minutes vs. an hour? An hour on a good day? Yeah, he knows my displeasure because I remind him of it about every fifteen minutes! Pray for our sanity and pray this is the last week of this mess stress!

Sweet G.G. is hanging in there like a real trooper! I will have better news on her soon. King Pea and Anne Pea are going to see her on Monday and Tuesday this week. 

Abby Pea has tryouts for the elite squad for her drill team this week. It's a group of the really good dancers that get to do special things within the Marquettes. Which means momma and daddy will be shelling out more dough! Abby's on the hunt for a part time job to help with some of the cost of her drill team endeavors. She's just about old enough to start helping out! 

Driver's ed is over and the practice driving has begun. She does very well, but I feel like I need a drink after every one of our sessions! Nothing wracks my nerves like my baby behind the wheel!

Once school starts, the craziness will resume! We are looking forward to Friday night football games complete with Marquette performances (you will see pics). Also, early Saturday morning cross country meets will soon start up again (you will see pics of that too). I love fall and can't wait for the craziness to begin! I wish it would never end. 

How do I make these peas stop growing up? I can't think about it because it makes me cry. Yet, I wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything in the world! Our blessings truly abound!